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Jobseeker Career Advice

Make use of our “Job Boards”!

Enter the Job Boards

If you’re a job seeker who has never been to a Jobs Fair before, walking into a room filled with employers can be a little bit daunting.

Don’t despair, however, as there are ways to build up your confidence and regain your composure before approaching an exhibitor that you are keen to speak with.

Enter the Job Boards!


6-10 Job Boards at each event

These are simply 6.5ft tall display banners, which have the heading “JOBS BOARD” at the top, which have numerous different job vacancies pinned on them from employers recruiting at the fair.

We usually have between 6-10 of these displayed at every event we do across the U.K.

They are a great place to migrate too whilst you’re taking in the experience of a Jobs Fair, and also to buy yourself some time.


Find out about a company before you’ve even spoken to them

Take yourself over to these banners and browse the various job opportunities on offer at the Jobs Fair!

It's a useful way to find out more about each company and what they’re promoting, before you’ve even spoken to them. This makes your first conversation with them all the more simple and easy, as you could begin by saying “I noticed you’ve got a vacancy on the Jobs Board, can you tell me more about it?”.