Company Social Media Pages with FAKE followers

In this day and age, having a strong social media presence can dignify your company as being a strong, trustworthy and reputable brand. However, is it possible to buy “fake” likes and how do you detect if a company is buying “fake followers”?


Sadly, a simple “Google” of “buy fake likes for Facebook” and you will be met with countless sites offering thousands of likes for exceedingly small fees. This article covers tell-tale signs to watch out for, so you are not hoodwinked by a company’s artificial social presence:


  1. Page activity – firstly you should look at the posts on the page. If a page has over 200,000 “likes”, you would expect the engagement on each of their posts to be equally as impressive. If you are noticing their posts are only getting a handful of likes, and hardly any comments/shares, its highly likely that their following is made up of “bot” or fabricated accounts. Either that, or the content of their posts must be borderline terrible!

  2. Check out their followers – another easy way is to investigate “accounts” that have already liked the page or like the content on the page. This can quickly expose if a company has bought a fake following. For example, if the page in question is based in the UK, it is reasonable to think that the lion share of their followers should be from the UK as this is the market they ultimately cater too on a day-to-day basis. If you are noticing that many accounts you click on are from varying foreign countries, or the accounts themselves have no activity at all, this is a big hint that the accounts are fake.

  3. Too good to be true? – usually the answer is yes. Consider the page’s industry or content, does it really warrant the amount of “likes” or “followers” on the page? Also, compare the pages following with a better-known brand in the same industry. If the numbers do not add up, there is a reason.

  4. Random changes in the “like” count – keep an eye on this, as a company with a history of buying fake likes will see their following increase, sometimes overnight, by ridiculous amounts. Similarly, if you start noticing they are losing hundreds of likes every week, its because the social media platform (Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram etc) are removing the fraudulent accounts that like their page!


We hope you find these tell-tale signs to Fake Likes & Followers useful and insightful. Follow these simple steps and never be tricked by an artificial audience again!